Return to Rowing
Rowing is a great lifelong sport: our member’s ages range from 18 to 81!
Whether you rowed in college and are looking to return, or you are new to our area, join us rowing on beautiful Dexter Lake. We row both scull and sweep boats. If you rowed sweep in college, we can teach you how to scull. Private lessons are available to anyone who wants individual coaching or a tune-up before returning to the water. Come join our crew!
Masters Rowing
A member-run masters rowing club since 1984, Oregon Association of Rowers (OAR) is composed of people living in the greater Eugene,Springfield and southern Willamette Valley. Our boat house is located on gorgeous Dexter Lake at the Lowell State Park Marina.
We participate in recreation and competitive rowing and welcome all rowers and skill levels.
All practices are coached with the opportunity for approved members to row uncoached..
On-water practices (subject to change):
Saturday & Sunday at 7:00 am
Wednesday & Friday mornings, 7:00 am Fall, Winter, Spring; and 6:30 am in Summer
Membership dues are paid biannually (January through July, and July through December) or annually.
Private boat storage is available to members and non-members for a fee, and private boats must be rowed by its owner with regularity. Please see the Private Boat Racking Agreement.